A G E D C A R E P H Y S I O.
Aged Care Physiotherapy.
As we get older our body changes, meaning our healthcare needs also change. Aged Care Physiotherapists are experts in assessing and treating the elderly with a focus on keeping them active, managing pain and reducing falls. Just because someone is older does not mean that they should have to be in pain or be inactive. Physiotherapists at Goolwa Physio provide services to older clients in the clinic, as well as in their homes.
Goolwa Physio has a strong history of undertaking physiotherapy in Residential Aged Care Facilities. The Goolwa Physio team have experience working under the AN-ACC system and are adept at conducting initial resident aged care assessments, six-monthly reviews, completion of referrals, equipment prescription, mobility and gym-based therapy, as well as treatment for pain management.
Phone 85287650
Email: admin@fleurieuphysiotherapy.com.au